Remember this?

No Irish Need Apply
I'm a simple Irish girl and I'm looking for a place.
I've felt the grip of poverty, but sure that's no disgrace.
Twill be long before I get one, to indeed it's hard I try.
Fore I read in each advertisement "No Irish Need Apply".
Alas for my poor country, which I never will deny
How they insult us when they write, "No Irish Need Apply".
Then they can't deny us genius with "Sheridan", "Tom Moore"
The late lamented Catherine Hayes and Sam Lover to the fore
Although they may laugh at our "Bulls" , they cannot but admit
That Pat is always sensible, and has a ready whit.
And if they ask for beauty, what can beat their nice black eye
Then it is not a shame to write, "No Irish Need Apply".
Ah, but now I'm in the land of the "glorious and free"
And proud I am to own it, a country dear to me.
I can see by your kind faces, that you will not deny
A place in your hearts for Cathleen, and all Irish may apply.
Then long may the Union flourish, and ever may it be
A pact unto the world and the home of liberty.
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