Leprechauns speak out!

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

The hand that rocks the Cradle

This was sent to me I thought you might enjoy the thoughts

by Anthony Valentino

In my years of studying the Irish language I have
become more and more convinced that preserving a
language is at the heart of saving a culture.

It is more important than wars, legislation or
even self-governance (even though those are
important). People sometimes doubt they can be
effective patriots in their quiet, daily lives
- but those who realize they can are the most
effective saviors of their own culture.

Go raibh maith agat,

An Lamh a Luascann an Cliabhan

Bhi an fear og ag troid
Leis an gclaiomh 's leis an ngunna.
Dhishealbhaigh se an ri gallda
Ach fuair se bas.

Ta an seanfhear ag troid
Leis an vota 's le focail.
Cuireann se a fhear don Dail
Anam an Phobail a shabhail.

Ach is fearr an ogbhean a dheanamh
Le focail Ghaeilge a ra i gcogar le leanbh
Na na claimhte 's na gunnai go leir
'S dlithe 's oraidi morga.

The Hand that Rocks the Cradle

The young man fought
With the sword and the gun.
He evicted the foreign king
But gave his life.

The old man fights
With the vote and words.
He sends his man to the Assembly
To save the country's soul.

But the young woman does more
With Gaelic words whispered to a babe
Than all the swords and guns
And laws and lofty speeches.


  • A beautiful poem. I'd love to learn to speak Irish some day, but fear it's too late.

    Thank you for sharing such a lovely poem and sentiment.

    By Blogger Dawn, at 4:52 PM  

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