You can Tell An Irishman

Gentle Reader,
The title says most of it....Now I'll tell the rest.
You can tell an Irishman ...But you can't tell him much! The other saying I learned at my mother's knee was this. An Irishman is one who will tell you to go to Hell in such a way that you look forward to taking the trip!!
If you haven't guessed I AM IRISH (Mallow, Co. Cork) and a . There only two types of people Those who are Irish and those who want to be.
Why all theses funny comments You want to know? They are there for those who need sugar coating on their medicine . I think it all started when I was a child and being a good Catholic at the time I was enroled in Catholic grade school, taught by nuns I was being told that God created the heavens and the earth out of nothing ( this was before we became so smart as to take an intelligent Being out of the realm of possibility) But as little boy I kept saying " You can't take nosun and make sumptum out if it! (translation no way!)
The more the sisters insisted the more adamant I was. Until in expiration, they ibrought in the "Big guns" the priest. Who tried to tell me the same thing! But gentle Reader, I stayed the course, and wouldn't buy The big bang theory. (they didn't have a name for it back then)
Finely the priest said to me "God made the heavens and earth because he's like Superman" Well of course that made sense! Superman can do anything!
People are like that child that I use to be... but you know dear reader, I never stopped believing in Superman And I never stopped believing in God either
Until that time,
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