Traveling to Ireland?

Here are some travel-related terms you will hear or read and the possible (likely?) translations.
Old world charm
Majestic setting
Options galore
Secluded hideaway
Pre-registered rooms
Explore on your own
Knowledgeable trip hosts
No extra fees
Nominal fee
All the amenities
Gentle breezes
Light and airy
Open bar
No bath
A long way from the village
Nothing is included
Impossible to find or get to
Already occupied
Pay for it yourself
They've flown in an airplane before
No extras
Outrageous charge
One free shower cap
Two free shower caps
Top and bottom sheets
Occasional Gale-force winds
No curtains/windows don't close
Theme park nearby
Free ice cubes
So, it's a joke, now we can proceed to the important elements - such as...
First off, getting to Ireland. As most will already know, the weather always plays a part. The tourist season runs (more or less) from the first of June to the first of September. Yes, that would be the time you will spend the most money. We hear the weather is slowly getting warmer so perhaps you can take the chance. We did - in May. We hear it usually works well. Do not write and tell us your weather was bad if you do the same (unless it makes for a good story).
Aer Lingus has many excellent offers for air travel to Ireland. These all tend to be very much off-season. Look into these first. Of course, with all the air travel fears and tribulations, all the airlines are doing better in their pricing.
We went our own way and we paid a premium for that.
To avoid that higher price:
Look into a package; an Ireland vacation from
The choices range from three nights in Dublin to nine nights in Dublin and on to Waterford, Limerick and back to Dublin.
You should not expect they are as they used to be. (You know what I mean, "everyone back on the bus, we have to be in Adare in a quarter hour".) Most are simply collected to encourage full planes, Rental Car Agencies and B & B's.The important bit is the price. The cost includes the air fare and is often less than booking just a flight yourself. Hard to argue about.
So, you still don't feel comfortable at the thought of a package - never mind.
You have a large amount in your account and you hate to see it lounging there - doing nothing. You are also very independent. Then do it yourself. First, air travel. The headline reads 'the lowest international travel fares on the web' - Call their bluff.
Lowest International
When you solve the part over the water or you're travelling from Europe there's only one reasonable way - Rail. Marti would do it all by rail but the first and last legs would be damp. On top is the problem of Ireland. The rail will take you between the major cities (Dublin, Belfast, Galway, Limerick, Waterford and Cork) any other spots are not on the line.
When you can though, it is well worth it to go by rail.
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