Leprechauns speak out!

Monday, June 10, 2013

First Woman Irish Methodist Bishop

For the first time in history a female cleric has been elected as one of Ireland's four main church leaders.

Reverend Dr Heather Morris will be installed as president of the Methodist Church next Wednesday.

Anglicans in England are divided on the ordination of women bishops but there is a "covenant" between Anglicans and Methodists in Ireland, prompting some to suggest that Dr Morris has become the first woman bishop.

Dr Morris said: "It's not for me to express an opinion on the Anglican debate but one of the things I love about Methodism is the fact that being a woman does not matter.

"I have said before that my election wasn't an issue around gender.

"My experience has been one where, as a woman in ministry, I have been nurtured and encouraged to use the gifts that God has entrusted to me. I see this as just a natural progression."

There is no indication that Irish Methodists will break with tradition on other matters like gay marriage, abortion and assisted suicide and Dr Morris says there will be no radical change of policy during her presidency.

She said: "I am happy to stand with where the Methodist Church in Ireland is on those issues.

"For example, with regards to same-sex relationships, we believe that marriage is between one man and one woman, and that marriage is the place for sexual intimacy."

Dr Morris was born in Nigeria, where her parents were missionaries, but educated in Belfast and Dublin.

Her appointment follows a family tradition - her father, Rev Paul Kingston, is a former Methodist President in Ireland.

The 48-year-old mother of two sons - Peter, 20, and David, 17 - insists God "called" her and her husband Neil together.

"He gave up a brilliant job to support me when I entered ministry," she said.

Dr Morris, like her predecessors, is quick to point out the Methodist emphasis on the word "all".

She added: "Our ministers were involved in peace talks in the 70s, when people didn't speak across the sectarian divide, and they are still courageously building peace in the community."



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