Grace in Victory, Grace in Defeat

Gentle Reader,
We have just witnessed a historic and momentous event in American History. This event, regardless of your politics and preferences, represents many positive and thank worthy things worth recognizing.
I along with the rest of you have been the recipient of countless emails and heard a steady stream of why the candidates that we considered for president were not worthy of our consideration.
Today as I walked into the polling place that I vote at, I was struck what a privilege it is as Americans to be able to vote. I also reflected how exciting it was for many African Americans were able to participate in a vote that could only be a dream for some just a few years ago.
I watched the graceful and respectful concession speech of John McCain and I feel that he summed up all of our responsibility. Barack Obama is now not just a candidate for President, but he will in the next few months become the President of the Greatest Country in the World. I prayerfully hope that the Lord will help him and guide him. The Bible says that the heart of the King is in the Hand of the Lord.
With this, I believe as a Pastor, I recognize that this presents some opportunity for us to see that we live in a world and culture that for many have transcended many of the handicaps of the past that revolved around race and prejudice.
If you are one of those people who feel you and your choice lost tonight, let me appeal to you by saying, we all won in the opportunity to participate in the miracle and freedom to vote. The United States of America is the Greatest Country in the world, that has not changed.
There are decisions that our New President and the Congress will make and we must continue as we have done for others, to cover in prayer and believe for the very best that God can give this country.
I think that it is important to recognize what this means to the Black Community. This is an incredible physiological change in America. I think we should all put some serious prayer and contemplation of what we must do now.
John McCain's concession speech spoke to this reality.
We must pray that the Lord will help and bless this man, Barack Obama, to be a good president.
Let us all consider our need for a time of serious prayer and spiritual exercise to "Pray Through" to the point we can see past our own preference and do the will of God in this changing landscape of America.
America faces incredible challenges. Our economy is in shambles. The Stock Market has experienced the most traumatic swings in our lifetime. The world is poised on the edge of conflict and trouble. In this setting, our country and our world are positioned in prophetic times.
In these times, I believe the Church is going to see some incredible opportunities.
On Sunday, the Lord directed my reading to Isaiah 45. This setting of scripture stood out to me with the implication, that ultimately the World and God's people are predestined and provided for by our All Powerful God. I believe that we are living in days where we will see God provide a way of purpose and harvest in unprecedented way.
In watching the acceptance speech of Barack Obama and all that saw this, we can understand why he won this election. He embodies and communicates to the hopes for better times. It is my hope that the times that he precipitates are better.
May God Bless Us all to be the Church in this pivotal and prophetic times.
This is significant. Take Note. Get Ready.
Lord, Give Us the Wisdom and Insight to do what God would have us to do. The Lord knew what would happen before this decision was made tonight by the American People.
May we all see what it is God has for us and the Church in America during this day and time. May we no longer see this as a blue country or red but as a united States of America where all are as you created them in your eyes as equal, struggling to become each day just a wee bit more like you in the grace you provide.
... Just my thoughts on November 4th 2008 .... 11:15 p.m.

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