If one was to research (and God knows I haven't bothered): Guaranteed they would discover that there was no alcohol in the Land of Leprechauns before America was discovered. Sadly, it's a vicious cycle.
They came over and are baffled, supposedly insulted, confused, and angered: their misunderstanding of American slang and cliches regrettably caused them to find solace in the 'Demon Rum'.
They returned home, told their stories, which drove others to the 'Hooch'. In fact, unscrupulous tavern owners, in Ireland and Gaelic areas of the U.S. have instructed their bartenders to employ American Platitudes as often as possible.
On any given night in these establishments, you can hear the staff using such expressions as: He had a 'Tiger By The Tail', 'Don't Throw The Baby Out With The Bathwater', 'By The Skin Of His Teeth' and probably the most common 'Here's Mud In Your Eye'.

As each of these phrases is uttered, a 'Dead Silence' reverberates throughout the bar and the customers look like 'Deer Caught In The Headlights'.
The bewildered Celtic crowd, not being able to 'Make Heads Or Tails Of It', 'Beat A Hasty Retreat' to the comfort of the 'Happy Juice'.
Aye, surenbegorrah that's a fine tale, laddie, but it's as clear as the nose on yer face that we yanks din't cause the trouble so much as the Kerrymen did; they got so used to hearin' that they weren't "gettin' the point", they started lookin for a place to buy a pint.
Great Craic,
the idiot
The Village Idiot, at 6:28 PM
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